What is involved in becoming a Sustainable Palm Oil Champion?
Below are the steps we will ask businesses to make to join the campaign.Step 1: Make a Pledge
Simply fill in this form to let us know that your business is committed to ensuring that the food products you buy and sell contain only sustainable palm oil.
Step 2: Make One Change
Check your products for use of palm oil and make one change from a product that contains unsustainable oil to one that contains sustainable oil. You can either ask your supplier to check whether the product is sustainable or use our online shopping list as a guide. If you only sell sustainable palm oil products then that is great – you don’t need to make a change.
Step 3: Tell Everyone About It!
Put a statement on your website to say that you will work towards sourcing only sustainable palm oil products (we will provide an example statement you can use) and communicate as appropriate within your organisation and to the public.
We will promote all of our champions, and participating businesses will be awarded window stickers and certificates that you can display at your premises, so that you can make sure your customers know about your involvement. We’ll also be creating an interactive online map showcasing Sustainable Palm Oil Champions in Oxford.
Want a Gold Star?
If you want to go even further, and ensure that all of the palm oil products you sell are 100% sustainable, there’s a couple more steps you can take to achieve a Gold Star Award:
Step 4: Send a Palm Oil Audit Form to your Suppliers
We will provide a toolkit to help you carry out you supplier audits. Your suppliers should be able to tell you which products that they supply contain palm oil, and whether they are sustainable or not. Work with your suppliers to encourage them to source only certified sustainable palm oil products (or source certified sustainable palm oil themselves). The more suppliers and manufacturers who adopt sustainable policies, the better!
This is also where collaboration comes in – if you share a supplier with others in Oxford, let’s work together to encourage that supplier to source sustainable palm oil. If necessary, you may need to swap a product to ensure it is sustainable.
Step 5: Repeat the audit every year and ensure that any new products that you source are sustainable
We’ll promote your actions to the public to ensure they know about your ongoing commitment to the campaign.